The First 10 Days of Ramadhan (Not A Bedtime Story)

Assalamualaikum, Ramadhan!

How do you feel today? Please, forgive us for not giving you a warm and cheerful greeting like previous years. It doesn’t mean that we’re not happy for your coming. But, this pandemic makes us to stay at home for school, work and pray. In other words, we make our home as a center of our activities, including praying. Yeah, you know, prevent is better than cure.

Although there’s no greeting like usual, I’m still thankful to Him for giving me health and chance to meet you again. And I didn’t realize that first 10 days will pass soon. So, there’s something I want to confess.

I’m sorry if I still let my laziness control me. I feel like I treat you so badly by not showing my gratitude and interest toward you. I still often procrastinate to pray on time. I still often prioritize worldly pleasure over the more important things. And this heart still keeps hatred, jealousy, prejudice etc. It makes me think, am I too weak so the devil inside me can’t be defeated easily?

Well, if you feel disappointed, I can understand why. Cause if I were you, I’d feel the same. So, would you like to give me chance on 20 days left?

Yogyakarta, May 3rd, 2020-10.22 p.m.

5 respons untuk ‘The First 10 Days of Ramadhan (Not A Bedtime Story)

  1. Luna, ini hanya pilihan kata/diksi untuk membuat frasa/clausa yang sesuai aja karena ada beberapa bagian yang kurang lazim secara gramatikal bahasa inggris, for example:
    ° But, this pandemic makes us to stay at home for school, work and pray
    Seharusnya ditulis;
    • But this pandemic makes us stay at home instead of school, work and pray

    ° I still often prioritize worldly pleasure over the more important things
    Seharusnya ditulis;
    • I often prioritize my own pleasure over something that more important

    1. Rasanya janggal berucap “aku masih sering.. I still often” susunan tata bahasa inggris biasanya lebih sederhana, menggunakan sesedikit mungkin kata untuk menyampaikan maksud baik dalam daily conversation maupun formal occasions
    2. Selebihnya beres, oia tiati di kata ganti/pronoun such as, would you like to give me a chance on 20 days left? You ini siapa, Ramadan? Allah ta’ala? Readers?
    Ini bukan puisi, sebaiknya dihindari penggunaan arti tersirat

    Good luck then, you’re the best

    Disukai oleh 1 orang

    1. ‘you’ dalam artikel merujuk pada Ramadhan. Sbnrnya kata kuncinya ada di pembuka tulisan ini. Disitu aku nulis “Assalamualaikum, Ramadhan!” “How do you feel today?” and bla..bla..bla.. sampai selesai. Jd aku mengandaikan jika Ramadhan ini adl orang (seperti teman, misalnya) yg udah setahun gk ketemu, trs skrg ketemu, dan udah 10 hari aku barengan, lalu apa yg mau aku ungkapkan? Yahh singkatnya ini semacam “dialog imajiner” ku dgn Ramadhan yg udh jalan 10 hari itu. Kl ‘you’ yg aku mksd adl Allah Ta’ala, aku bakal nulis huruf ‘y’ dgn huruf kapital (You bkn you). Kl yg aku mksd adl reader, hrsnya di kalimat pembuka tak tulis aja, “Assalamualaikum, reader!”.

      Selebihnya, thanks for the advice 👍🙏


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