Poem | Rain and Memories of December

photo by Kaique Rocha from pexels

Still at the same place
Different time
Different feels
Whenever you told me to call you when I was in trouble

Still at the same place
Different time
Different feels
This longing seems like to tease me
reminds me of those memories
whenever it’s rain
whenever night created silence between us

Rain erases the dust that covered and burried our memories of December
just like how it removes a long dry season in a whole year

Yogyakarta, December 19th, 2019-06.12 a.m.

Poem | Song of The Rain

photo by pan xiaozhen on unsplash

Here, there’s no color change in December
Trees still have their green leaves
Rose still has its red
River and lake aren’t frozen
Just the sky which looks more greyish

She’s tired of hearing the curse
which released by the uncontrolled emotions
in the house, in the office, in the streets
when the horn was beeped together
by the impatients driver who stuck at the traffic and blazing daylight

She was moved to the rhythm of the rain
after waiting in the longing room
during long dry season

If the sound of rain is a song, then she wants this song played in her head when her lips are unable to sing a song of sadness anymore

Yogyakarta, December 8th, 2019-08.37 p.m. -after the heavy rain-