Poem | She’s a Mother

photo by Liv Bruce on unsplash

My birth was a fate that He wrote
It’s not my authority to choose time, place or from the woman’s womb I was born into
She also had no authority to choose
who’s the child she’d be conceived and born

She’s a voice that I knew so well
I knew her from her calming heartbeat
when she held me in her embrace

She’s a familiar face
I knew her from her sincere smile
everytime she saw me

She’s the first word I could say
when I wasn’t able to speak yet
and understand how to spell a word

She’s a poetry that I never knew how to write
cause there’s no right diction to describe

Finally, only prayers that I can say
Hope Allah will always protect you

Yogyakarta, December 22nd, 2019-08.48 p.m.

*) Today is a Mother’s Day in Indonesia, so, I wrote this poem and dedicate it to all amazing mothers wherever they are, especially to my mother. I also wrote it in Indonesian version on https://www.kompasiana.com/lunaseptalisa/5dff4b8ed541df13d11482c2/ia-adalah-ibu